Victor X The Luminaire
theluminaire.comThe Luminaire travel designers create bespoke journeys to destinations around the world, carefully curated by, and sometimes in the company of, the world's leading minds, including explorers, naturalists, artists, historians and archaeologists.
A trip curated by Victor and The Luminaire provides you access to experts with a lifetime of experience in their field, each with captivating stories to tell.
From a scientific exploration of Antarctica to learning from world-renowned Magnum Photographers on Mustique, to luxury watch making in Switzerland and dinosaur digs with geologists in Wyoming, USA – every trip with The Luminaire is a learning experience.
- As a Victor member, you’ll earn double Alto points every time you book with The Luminaire through Victor – redeemable against the cost of a future flight with us. Please note that you don’t have to book an accompanying flight to book services or claim points from our Alto partners.